Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Twiggy // 60's inspired look

I felt like doing something with my makeup that I haven't done in a super long time. Taking inspiration from a specific style/person/era was something I used to do quite a lot and I really enjoyed creating this 1960's mod look inspired by the beautiful, iconic images of Twiggy.

It's not the neatest or most perfectly blended makeup look I've ever done, but that's the whole point! (or so I tell myself to make myself feel better)

Leigh xo


Twitter: @leighbop
Periscope: @leighbop
Instagram: leighgoodall
YouTube: Leigh Rebecca xo

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Bucket List | 2016

Hello all! So I decided to write a list of the things I want to achieve by the end of 2016:

➳ Pass my driving test. 

My driving license is no longer something I want, it's something I desperately need. The freedom of not having to rely on others to take me places is my number one goal for 2016. I've only had around 8 lessons so far because my instructor keeps going awol, but he says I'm doing really well and can book my test for the next couple of months.

➳ Get a car.

And of course, with a driving license comes a money box on wheels. The ability to get myself and Eden into my own car without having to make arrangements with anyone first is something I am desperate for. There have been so many times when I've been stuck in an 'if only I had my own car' situation.

➳ Grow my Blog and YouTube channel.

Another really self-explanatory one. I've caught the blog post/video-making bug, and although I may be at a big fat NIL on the exposure chart, I really enjoy it. My goal is that by the end of 2016, I want to have put out at least 2 or 3 posts/videos a month and endeared someone enough to make them want to click 'follow' or 'subscribe'.

➳ Lose the baby weight. 

I don't like to focus on goals like this. I find that when we set these types of goals, they can cause us to be very negative and hard on ourselves until we meet it, if we ever meet it! However, it's been ten months since I gave birth to my daughter and I've never felt more uncomfortable in myself. I want 2016 to be the year I shed the weight, the insecurity, and the negative body image. 

➳ Make more proactive steps to becoming vegan. 

2015 was the year I pretty much subconsciously decided to become vegan. I feel like my attitude towards meat, as well as other animal produce changed dramatically and I toyed with the idea of cutting them out numerous times. I haven't consumed milk, eggs or red meat in around 3 or 4 months and I want 2016 to be the year I make conscious and active decisions towards changing my diet.

➳ Seek help for my anxiety.

I've had anxiety problems since I was a really young child. I have vivid memories of being a kid, inconsolable for absolutely no reason and having to tell my mum it was a nightmare because I couldn't explain what was going on. It's only now looking back that I realise I was having intrusive thoughts, something I still battle today. It's always been in the background of my life; making me very insecure, paranoid and unable to carry out certain simple tasks. I sought out help for it many years ago with no joy, but after 2015 being a very bad year in terms of how I handled the anxiety, I have decided to love myself and make my health a priority. By the end of 2016 I want to have seen a doctor and found answers, relief and maybe even a diagnosis. 

➳ Re-decorate/become minimalist. 

This is a hard one, considering there's a chance we will have to move house in a few months *sad face*. But I've been dying to re-decorate our entire home and make it a lot more simple and minimal in design. I see crisp lines, clean white walls with accents of grey and copper. I'm sick of the clutter. I could handle it when it was just me and Irish, but since Eden takes up 3/4 of the entire house now, I'm sure stripping us back to the essentials will make our lives feel much calmer and in control.

➳ Get a new job.

I hate my job. If you know me at all you will know that my job melts my brain and does nothing for my creativity (or my fucking soul). When I hear things like 'just quit, maaan, live your life, no regrets', that's great and all when you can leave your job for the comfort of a free bedroom in your parents' house and all you have to worry about is making your bed every day. But it's not really the most practical of advice when, you know... bills, house, food, helpless infant, the big bad real world. In saying that though, I really do aim to be out of there by the end of this year. 

➳ Finally get my feet tattoos.

I have had my feet tattoos planned since I was like 17. But money. I don't have any. 
Even if I have to stick the word 'TATTOOS' on a mason jar and put all of my change in it every day, I will get them.

➳ Fuq da h8ers

I know this one sounds stupid when my blog/channel don't have any reach. But I'm not referring to the online world here. I want to try hard this year to continue on my journey to becoming a more conscious and self aware person, focusing my energy on my family and self improvement. That means finally removing toxic, poisonous people from my life and realising that I am not the problem. [blog post coming soon about this]

➳ Continue being happy with my wonderful family.

Irish and I have been together just over 3 years now and I love him and our amazing daughter with all of my heart. I am so proud of the strong, happy family we are becoming. 2016 is going to be a good year for us. 

What's on your 2016 bucket lists?

Leigh xo


Twitter: @leighbop
Periscope: @leighbop
Instagram: leighgoodall
YouTube: Leigh Rebecca xo

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